Meet our set-building crew for Drama Club's upcoming Spring musical, Cinderella! From left to right: Ty Murray, Cole Aultman, Ethan Houghton, Hunter Harsh, Mr. Brown. They built the platform for the Prince's castle wall. They have a few more projects to finish the set, but so far they have done an excellent job! Other groups of students in the STEAM class will be painting scenes on the platform, backdrops, and pillars. Thanks for helping support Drama Club, Comets!
over 1 year ago, Natalie Rogers
steam class
Have you added this to your calendar yet? Come see Drama Club's performance of "What Could Go Wrong the Night Before Christmas?" coming up on December 15th!
over 1 year ago, Natalie Rogers
drama christmas play
Emma won 1st place in the VFW Voices of Democracy contest when she wrote an essay in English entitled, "Why is the Veteran Important." She had to record herself reading the essay and won 1st prize in her grade level. She earned a certificate for being "An Outstanding Spokesperson for Freedom," as well as a cash prize. Congrats, Emma! Great job!
over 1 year ago, Natalie Rogers
Recently, Mr. McCormack's Biology class completed a cell lab comparing plant to animal cells using 15 top-of-the-line microscopes. The students' objective was to use their own cheek cells to compare with common onion cells. Coleman puts a strong focus on securing funds in Science to provide students resources that will best guide their learning at a high level. Zoology courses are also funded for dissections at a level to rival many Division 1 colleges for the same course. Thank you to our anonymous donors for providing the funding for these microscopes. You are appreciated!
over 1 year ago, Natalie Rogers
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Christmas Spirit Week is starting up on Thursday next week for the Jr/Sr High! Join in on the festive fun before we leave for winter break!
over 1 year ago, Natalie Rogers
Christmas Spirit week
Congrats to our Comet Ty Murray for earning the prestigious DAR Good Citizens Award! Ty was chosen by our teachers to represent Coleman in the DAR Good Citizens Award contest. He was chosen for his character, leadership qualities, and involvement in school activities. Pictured is Ty, his dad, and Mrs. Shumaker, along with the other area recipients of the award. We are so proud of your hard work and commitment, Ty! You can watch the entire awards ceremony on YouTube here: You can also read the Midland Daily News article here:
over 1 year ago, Natalie Rogers
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Here is a great resource for parents that are interested in learning more about Social-Emotional Learning: SELtrove! You can register for free to learn skills like how to connect better with your child, how to respond to problems so real change occurs, and how to create a healthier and happier family. You can register here: If you'd like to see more resources available to parents, visit our Parent Resources page here:
over 1 year ago, Natalie Rogers
Coleman Elementary is looking to get our Morning SPARKS program up and running! We need just one more staff member -- could it be you?! Check out this flier for more info! And if you're wondering about other positions we have available, please visit our employment page here:
over 1 year ago, Natalie Rogers
am sparks
Attention Senior Parents: Cap & gown and graduation orders were taken at CHS last week. If you or your senior did not turn in an order, please place your senior’s order before December 10. The Herff Jones Company is our official provider. Orders can be placed on their website, If you have any questions concerning your order please call their office at (989) 773-1337 or email them at Do not contact the high school office. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Natalie Rogers
Miss J's Spanish classes just finished reading the novel El Capibara con Botas before Thanksgiving. Since the novel is about animals that live in the Amazon Rainforest and Galapagos Islands, students decided to raise money to adopt animals from Ecuador! 3rd hour adopted a blue-footed booby, and 6th hour chose a jaguar. Students raised $120 during the unit in order to symbolically adopt these animals through the World Wildlife Fund!
over 1 year ago, Natalie Rogers
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The Leader in Me EXTRAVAGANZA is starting soon, will you be joining us tonight? Entry and dinner is FREE, please come help us eat all these hot dogs while learning about Leader in Me! We'll be here from 6-7pm this evening!
over 1 year ago, Natalie Rogers
leader in me
The Leader in Me EXTRAVAGANZA is tonight, December 1st, from 6-7 pm! Students and their families are invited to join us at the elementary school to learn about Leader in Me and the 7 Habits, enjoy a FREE hot dog dinner, play games, and more! See you there!
over 1 year ago, Natalie Rogers
leader in me
Drama Club is excited to present this year's Christmas play, "What Could Go Wrong the Night Before Christmas?" coming up soon on December 15th! Check out the flier for more info!
over 1 year ago, Natalie Rogers
drama christmas play
Please help welcome our two newest staff members! Mr. Carson Iserhoth is our 8th Grade Boys Basketball Coach. He has already begun working with the boys to build their skills, helping them become a strong team, and showing them how to have fun doing it. Also welcome Mr. Wade O'Dell as our Custodial/Maintenance Supervisor. Wade will start working with Mr. Mike Huss for the next month, prior to Mr. Huss' retirement. Mr. O'Dell comes to us from Harrison Schools, is a Comet graduate and has many years of experience, expertise and certifications in these areas. We are excited to have him on board. While Mr. Huss will be with us another month and we are excited for him to spend time with his wife and grandkids, he will be greatly missed. Mr. Huss has so many skills in the area of maintenance, transportation and custodial work, but our favorite times to see him were when he was working with kids. The boys especially at the elementary school connect so well with Mr. Huss and when one was having a bad day, he sometimes was the first person they would listen to. We watched him tie ties for elementary kids who've come dressed up for picture day or a special lunch in their rooms. He is hard working, diligent and dedicated and his time here is so appreciated. Thank you, Mr. Huss!
over 1 year ago, Natalie Rogers
welcome new staff
There will be a Facilities Input Meeting at the Jr./Sr. High at 6:30 p.m. tonight, November 29th. Please consider attending to learn where we have come from, where we are currently, and to give input to future planning for all district facilities including capital improvements of buildings, arts, athletics, Career-Technical Education (CTE), vehicles and district grounds. If you can't make it to this one but would like to participate, there is another meeting planned for January 18th. We hope to see you there!
over 1 year ago, Natalie Rogers
facilities input meeting
These are some of the posters that the elementary classes made to show their school what kindness looks like for the elementary school's week of kindness, which was sponsored by the NEHS students. Judges will decide which one is the best at getting the kindness message across and that class will win an ice cream sandwich party!
over 1 year ago, Natalie Rogers
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6th graders and their parents learned the fine art of pie making by assembling apple pies with the Elementary PTO last weekend. Thanks to everyone for a great fundraiser!
over 1 year ago, Natalie Rogers
pto pie party
pie making
Before the snow started to fly, students spent time working in the Agriscience Outdoor Land Lab. Students are seen here near the compost pile and raised garden beds our K-12 and County Ag students have built and tended. Photo credit to Nathan Clarke from the seat of a combine during corn harvest at the Land Lab.
over 1 year ago, Natalie Rogers
From Mrs. LeFevre: Last week during Kindness Week, NEHS members were getting ready to deliver apple cider and donut holes to all of the classrooms. It was a great opportunity for classes to have a snack together in celebration of Kindness Week and for the NEHS group to work together as a team.
over 1 year ago, Natalie Rogers
nehs delivery
There will be a Facilities Input Meeting at the Jr./Sr. High at 6:30 p.m. next Tuesday, November 29th. Please consider attending to learn where we have come from, where we are currently, and to give input to future planning for all district facilities including capital improvements of buildings, arts, athletics, Career-Technical Education (CTE), vehicles and district grounds. If you can't make it to this one but would like to participate, there is another meeting planned for January 18th. We hope to see you there!
over 1 year ago, Natalie Rogers
facilities input meeting