bond info



Help us MAINTAIN and PROLONG THE LIFE of our facilities!

After multiple attempts at larger bonds to best support our District's current and future students, we have narrowed this proposal to the most crucial and urgent needs. The Coleman community has been a dedicated steward of the Jr/Sr High School building for nearly 50 years, maintaining and prolonging its life. However, after 50 years, while the Jr/Sr High building has updated boilers and roof, the electrical and heating systems no longer function in a manner that is most efficient and fiscally responsible- as you would expect from something facilities with this lifespan. It is imperative that we update now for our current needs and safety and to improve the school for generations to come. Investing in the Jr/Sr High School benefits our community by improving the facilities, providing stronger safety measures and greater instructional opportunities for our students,  to better match neighboring districts as students look at their options. These investments help attract and retain students and families to Coleman and are attractive to highly qualified applicants, breathing new life into our community which can have a positive impact on property values and local business. 




(from the 2024 levy)


(if bond is approved)

The Board of Education has adjusted the upcoming bond proposal to include only the most crucial & urgent projects specific to the Jr/Sr High School, based on feedback from over a dozen community meetings and hundreds of survey responses.

If approved by voters, it is projected that the debt tax rate would increase by 1.60 mills over the 2024 debt levy. This equals approximately an additional $1.54 per week for a home with a taxable value of $50,000 (based on estimated millage increase from 2024 levy).

To see what your cost would be, visit the Updated Tax Calculator farther down this page. It has been updated to reflect the lower bond proposal.

bond flier

bond 2

The November 2024 Bond Proposal includes ONLY these crucial projects:

Upcoming Community Meeting: Sept. 11 @ 6:00 pm; Jr/Sr High School

bond plan

The November 2024 Proposal DOES NOT include these items on previous Proposals:

These items were removed to better reflect community feedback.

NO auxiliary gym

locker rooms

NO new auditorium

additional classrooms

Project Scope Renderings


Current Media Center - No walls, open to hallway


Mr. Falor's Current Classroom


Current Hallway/Lockers - Open to media center

current hallway

Current Science Lab

revised media center

Proposed Media Center - Walled in, separated from hall

classroom 1

Proposed Classroom Space - Efficient, squared-off


Proposed Hallway/Lockers - Separate from media center

science lab

Proposed Science Lab - working sinks/burners at stations

Previous Slide
Next Slide
rendering 1

This is an updated tax calculator! If you've used it before during other Bond Proposals, you may get a different result this time. Try it out!

All information inputted through the tax calculator is  confidential and stays with you on your computer. Share it with friends or contact us to help you walk through the  process.  

tax calc

Voting Information


Coleman City Hall: 201 E Railway St. in Coleman

Denver Township Hall: 7016 E Beal City Rd. in Mount Pleasant

Edenville Swanton Hall: 6422 N Water Rd. in Edenville

Geneva Township Hall: 3146 W Barden Rd in Coleman

Greendale Township Hall: 4750 W Isabella Rd. in Shepherd

Jerome Township Hall: 737 W Beamish Rd. in Sanford

Warren Township Hall: 4506 W Baker Rd. in Coleman

Wise Township Hall: 10509 N Loomis St. in Clare

Who can Vote?

Any registered voter living in the Coleman Community School District. Voters who will be 18 years of age by November 5, 2024 can register now!

REMINDER: You are able to register to vote any day leading up to Election Day, and INCLUDING Election Day. Visit to register.

Absentee Voting:

Visit to request an absentee ballot. Ballots will be available by September 21st, 2024.

Early Voting:

Early Voting for Isabella County and Midland County begins on October 26th and runs through November 3rd from 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM.

Midland County Early Voting is at one site, located at Grace A. Dow Library - 1710 W. St. Andrews, Midland. Voting is 10/26 - 11/3 from 9AM - 5PM, except on 10/30 & 10/31 when voting is from 11AM - 7PM.

Inquiry Form - Ask Us Your Questions!


growing for the future