Happy Halloween from the science department! It's Bill (Francis) Nye the Science Guy! We love to see our staff participating in all the fun! 🧑🔬

Some juniors showed off their Halloween costumes today! We have: Donnie Husted as Snail Shaman, Josie Balliet as the 'Red Death', and Gage Miller as a Flamingo. Tell us in the comments which student YOU think is dressed the scariest!

Some highlights from the Halloween Choir concert last night! Great job Comets, you killed it!

ATTENTION PARENTS! Picture Retake Day for both buildings is NEXT WEEK - don't miss it! ELEMENTARY: Wednesday 11/6. JR/SR HIGH: Tuesday 11/5. Don't forget to order your pictures online: https://www.geskusphoto.com/

Mrs. Shumaker's Seminar class did a community outreach project of raking leaves for a Coleman couple on Tuesday. Nice job, Comets! #LEADLikeAComet

Some pictures of our NHS ceremony earlier this month! Congratulations, new initiates! We're so proud of your accomplishments. #GrowingForTheFuture #ColemanCometPride

Earlier this month, our sophomores took the annual 10th grade trip to MICareerQuest; a hands-on career fair event! It's jam-packed with reps from local businesses from all types of high-demand industries. This is a great opportunity for our students to explore different career paths as they begin planning for life after graduation. For more post-grad help and information, check out our Student Resources page: https://www.colemanschools.net/o/jr-sr-high-school/page/student-resources #GrowingForTheFuture

Mr. McCormack & Mrs. Kane (student teacher) recently used dry ice to examine phase changes in the lab last week during the 9th grade Physical Science class. They watched sublimation in action - dry ice is one of those rare substances that go directly from a solid to a gas. It’s especially fun because you can see the gas/vapor. Then we added dish soap to make the bubbles which made the gas produced really visible! #GrowingForTheFuture

Jair and the afternoon Culinary Arts class worked on bagels together last week for their weekly project! Don't they look amazing? 🥯

These two 8th grade students posed for a pic so everyone could see how nicely they dressed for Picture Day last week. Hi to Comets Noah Moran and Eli Baker!

Today, several Comet 10th graders are attending the MiCareerQuest career event, hosted by SVSU! There will be tons of local employers and hands-on activities that students can participate in to help them hone in on potential future career options that interest them. Parents can livestream the event from 9am-3pm today to see all the great things their students will be experiencing at https://micareerquestmm.com/

JR/SR HIGH ONLY: Picture Day is TOMORROW, Friday, 10/4 - don't miss it! Don't forget to order your pictures online: https://www.geskusphoto.com/

Remember last week's post of the 6th graders harvesting thei produce they grew for Culinary class? Hot out of the oven, Culinary students made pizzas with homemade pizza sauce that was made with the tomatoes that came from that garden! They also practiced their knife skills and made homemade fries with the potatoes (not pictured). We love to see our students collaborating! #LEADLikeAComet #CultivatingCometConnections #growingforthefuture

Homecoming 2024

Kapre Lynch competed in her first USA Powerlifting meet on Saturday. She finished 1st in her age and weight class! She has also qualified for the High School National Powerlifting meet in Wisconsin taking place later this March. She finished the day going 7 for 9 on lifts with the following totals:
Squat: 198lbs PR
Bench: 121lbs PR
Deadlift: 287lbs
Total: 606lbs
Congrats, Kapre! #ColemanCometPride

ATTENTION PARENTS! Picture Day for both buildings is NEXT WEEK - don't miss it! ELEMENTARY: Wednesday 10/2. JR/SR HIGH: Friday 10/4. Don't forget to order your pictures online: https://www.geskusphoto.com/

The high school Spanish class practiced their skills by writing comic strips en español last week! Can you read what they wrote? If you have a student in the Elementary School, they might be able to help translate! Our school district proudly offers K-12 Spanish classes for all students. #growingforthefuture

Olivia Hegel is spending her weekend at Comerica Park! She went to Detroit Tigers Camp over the summer and won first place in her age group. This picture is from Tigers Champion Day. She will compete against 9 other girls from the other camps (they only picked the top 10 girls with the highest scores) . Good luck this weekend, Olivia! #LEADLikeAComet #CometPride #Coleman

ATTENTION PARENTS! Picture Day for both buildings is coming - don't miss it! ELEMENTARY: Wednesday 10/2. JR/SR HIGH: Friday 10/4. Don't forget to order your pictures online: https://www.geskusphoto.com/

Have you seen the new hoophouse going up in the field near the elementary school? Our students have been working on it! We can't wait to see the structure completed soon. #LEADLikeAComet #GrowingForTheFuture