November 12, 2023
Coleman Elementary hosted a fabulous Veteran's Day program on Friday, November 10th! Mrs. Tallman taught the students several patriotic songs, as well as several different songs t...
May 20, 2023
All of our Comet High School Tracksters headed to Regionals today in Breckenridge, each working hard to continue to make the season count. At the end of the day, 6 athletes from C...

May 20, 2023
Graduation for Coleman's 2023 Seniors will take place tomorrow, Sunday, May 21st at 2:00 p.m. The community is welcome! All seniors should arrive at the Jr./Sr. High between 1:15...

May 16, 2023
On Friday, we celebrated our district's special connection with Agriculture with Drive Your Tractor to School Day! We had more students than ever participate in this year's tracto...

May 15, 2023
In a big celebration last Friday afternoon, our seniors revealed their plans for after graduation! Read on to learn how our soon-to-be grads will take on college and the workforce!...

May 4, 2023
Thank you to those who supported our efforts to address our most urgent needs within the District. Our next steps are to prioritize and stratagize to provide continued safety, opp...
April 11, 2023
On March 17th and 18th, the Coleman Jr/Sr High drama club put on a fantastic performance of the musical Cinderella that left us impressed and looking forward to even more futur...

February 25, 2023
Good Afternoon, We've had a lot of winter lately with some of us stuck inside and it's time for some fun! On Thursday, March 9th, starting at 7:00 p.m. Coleman Community Schools ...

February 23, 2023
Good Afternoon,
Please find information at this link regarding the upcoming May 2023 Bond Proposal for Coleman Community Schools that was approved by the Board of Education re...

December 5, 2022
We had an amazing turnout at last week's Leader in Me Extravaganza at the Elementary School! Thank you to those of you that stopped by to enjoy the food and fun! And a big thank yo...

November 8, 2022
Our social worker, Ella Williams, helped to organize an amazing event this year with Thrive Church! On November 3rd, Thrive Church visited the elementary school and personally fitt...

October 26, 2022
SPARKs hosted the "Lights On Afterschool Event" on Thursday, Oct 20th, 2022. The purpose of this event was to spotlight the importance of parent and student involvement in aftersch...
October 24, 2022
Our Agriscience program put on a wonderful day full of fall fun for our Elementary students! On Friday, October 21st, the kiddos created wreaths out of fallen leaves, picked out th...

September 15, 2022
Our elementary school teachers of each grade put their heads together to discover their combined qualifications, experience, and personal strengths that they bring to the table eve...

August 29, 2022
Our High School marching band had a blast last week at band camp, preparing for marching band season football season! Bergen Mowry, trying out his newly acquired skills from ...
June 6, 2022
Our elementary school students had the opportunity to show off their leadership skills on Friday, June 3rd. Following an outdoor picnic with family members, students and their fam...

June 4, 2022
Kaylee Aultman headed to Division 4 States today and set a new PR in the 3200 of 12:35.6 which is a 37 second improvement over last year. WOW! Incredible work ethic and stamina f...

June 4, 2022
Congratulations to Junior Isaiah Biers who rocked the day and is the Division 4 State Champion for Pole Vault with a jump of 13’4"! #coleman #trackandfield #polevault #CometPride ...

June 4, 2022
AJ Simon is a stand out by taking 6th Place and All State in the 110 Hurdles at the Division 4 State Finals. #states #trackandfield #hurdles #coleman #comets #CometPride

June 4, 2022
States Update- AJ Simon took 6th Place Overall Division 4 All- State in Hurdles and Isaiah Biers is the Division 4 Pole Vault State Champion with a high jump of 13'4"! https://m.f...