Sometimes it's just nice to hang out with your new and old friends at recess. Coleman students get a chance to do that daily during the SPARKS/ Summer Extended Learning programs, using sidewalk chalk or the Gaga Ball pit that was installed this past spring.
about 3 years ago, Jennifer McCormack
Summer Extended Learning SPARKS Recess
Summer Extended Learning SPARKS Recess
Vote Tuesday, August 3rd, or now by Absentee Ballot from our Township/City Clerk. A bond proposal for Coleman Schools is on the ballot. Why are renovated/additional classrooms and recaptured space important in this bond? Coleman teachers work to support group work, problem-solving, literacy circles and cooperative learning which is difficult in the many of the current triangular-shaped classrooms. Recapturing the open spaces allows for more programming for students similar to what has been held over the past 7 years with Zoology, Ag/STEM, Multi-Media, Choir, American Sign Language, Financial Literacy, space for Dual Enrollment & Early/Middle College studies and more. Our current space does not allow for future growth or space currently needed for classrooms, office, conference rooms and storage. See our bond page for more information:
about 3 years ago, Jennifer McCormack
Bond Classroom/Hallway Rendering
Absentee Ballot information
See what Opportunities await you at Coleman Schools! Now accepting registrations, including School of Choice students, for the 2021-22 school year. Call 989.465.6060 for more information or check out our Enrollment page at:
about 3 years ago, Jennifer McCormack
Our Summer Learners in SPARKS are spending their time reading, writing and eating their way through their learning with great teachers and staff.
about 3 years ago, Jennifer McCormack
Writing and Eating- Summer Extended Learning SPARKS
Writing and Eating- Summer Extended Learning SPARKS
Writing and Eating- Summer Extended Learning SPARKS
First, second and third graders are spending part of their Summer Extended Learning time working with math manipulatives for some math application problems.
about 3 years ago, Jennifer McCormack
Math Manipulative Summer School
Summer Programming with Math
Summer Programming with Math
Summer Programming with Math
Feel free to join us in person or via the Livestream link in the QR code.
about 3 years ago, Jennifer McCormack
Community Meeting #1 Tonight Reminder
Please join us tomorrow night or contact us for the Livestream link.
about 3 years ago, Jennifer McCormack
Community Meeting #1 Tomorrow Reminder
Please join us for information from community members regarding the upcoming bond proposal.
about 3 years ago, Jennifer McCormack
Community Meeting #1 Reminder
EBT applications are due July 30.
about 3 years ago, Coleman Schools
EBT for Elementary
Congratulations to Mr. Hadd, recently awarded the Great Lakes Bay Region STEM Star award for his time and dedication to STEM education!
about 3 years ago, Coleman Schools
2021 STEM Star Award
We received good news today from State and Local Health Departments as the new State COVID/ mask guidelines apply to schools. Please read the attached letter for updated information at:
about 3 years ago, Jennifer McCormack
When you have a chance please take a few minutes to look through the Comet News which will be coming out to all homes in the Coleman School District soon. The News can be found at: Also included is information about the upcoming Bond Community Meetings to be held on June 30th and July 21st at 5:30 p.m. in the Jr./Sr. High Auditorium. Please join us!
about 3 years ago, Jennifer McCormack
Community Meetings will be held June 30th and July 21st at 5:30 p.m. in-person at the Jr./Sr. High Auditorium or via Live Stream regarding the proposed school bond vote on the August 3rd, 2021 election ballot. Please join us to learn more about the process and the proposed projects, frequently asked questions and to take a tour of the current status of the Jr./Sr. High if you wish. Live Stream link for June 30th is: Live Stream link for July 21st is: More information on the bond can be found at: or by going to our website at or to the ColemanComet app on your phone and clicking on the link at the top of the Homepage.
about 3 years ago, Jennifer McCormack
Never stop learning. Congrats Comet Coach and Paraprofessional Nick Katzinger!
over 3 years ago, Jennifer McCormack
Never Stop Learning
over 3 years ago, Coleman Schools
Library Summer Reading Program flyer
The MLC Summer Programs are a great way to keep your kids engaged in learning during the summer. To learn more about these events, check out
over 3 years ago, Natalie Rogers
MLC Summer Program Poster
MLC Summer Program Poster
Some exciting news! We have been able, with some of the federal funding we received this year, to purchase enough Chromebooks to be 1:1 for students. The District Curriculum Committee has been talking with teachers and we will be planning just what 1:1 will look like based on the grade level of students and a multi-year plan for teaching students how best to use the devices. We'll be sharing that information out as we get closer to next year. Just a quick reminder if your child(ren) are in the Online Learning Academy or in quarantine or have borrowed a Chromebook/charger at any time this year that has not yet been returned, please bring that to the school. We will have staff available late today, Friday, June 4th from 3-4:30 p.m. and Monday, June 7th from 9-noon. Even if your child will be in a summer program, they should still be returned first and then we will reassign Chromebooks. You can return other days through next week as well when secretaries are in the office. Costs for anyone not returning these items or any damage will be sent to homes within the two weeks and report cards will be held. Thanks in advance for your cooperation. Have a wonderful summer!
over 3 years ago, Jennifer McCormack
Please take a few minutes to read through this letter that will go home with students today:
over 3 years ago, Jennifer McCormack
Families and friends of our 6th graders are invited to join us for the 6th Grade Completion Ceremony, Wednesday, June 2 at 6:00 PM in the grassy area on the west side of the elementary school. Please bring your lawn chair and set up where you will be able to see/hear. Join us as we celebrate the accomplishments of these students as they prepare to take the next step in their Comet journey.
over 3 years ago, Cindy Araway
As part of Leader In Me, Ms. Moore's kindergarten class did a service project. They synergized to come up with an idea and a plan. They decided on a coin drive to raise money. They planned to use the money to buy food and toiletries for the local pantry. The class put first things first and made a plan. Their goal was to raise $100. They raised $103.25 and were able to buy all of this and donate it to the emergency pantry at Greater Midland Family Center- Coleman. What a win-win! The students felt so proud as they delivered the goods they were able to provide for those in need!
over 3 years ago, Coleman Schools
Classroom pose with food purchase
Food delivery 1
Food delivery 2
CFC pose with food purchase